Events Attended

Team Marine’s Events Attended

Plastic Bag Drive-Collected 111 pounds of plastic bags within our Marine Biology classes.
Two Marches Against Plastic Bags-We gathered sometimes up to 40 students, faculty, and environmental organization members and marched through the streets of Santa Monica selling reusable bags and promoting sustainability and the banning of plastic bags. We even made home-made signs and carried the 111 pounds of plastic bags.
City Council Testimonies -Through out our journey, Team Marine collaborated with Heal the Bay, and SAGE, both organizations promoted at Santa Monica High School. If you search True Shields, you can see his student testimony, and once again realize why we were so successful in banning plastic bags. …Check us out here
Newspaper Attention
__Santa Monica Mirror__ -Time to Ban Bags! This was the Santa Monica Mirror article after we went to city hall to ban plastic bags. Team Marine got their influence from San Fransisco, seeing that they banned plastic bags, and it made such a huge improvement in their community. Santa Monica Ban Plastic Bags, and put a tax on paper bags.
__Santa Monica Mirror…AGAIN!__ -The Santa Monica Daily Press Covered us too. They wrote about our trip to city hall, and how city hall asked for more time to make a decision. Although Team Marine appeared at city hall once, we had to go back a second time, because the court board could not make an exact decision.
__Santa Monica Mirror…YET AGAIN!__ -This article from the Santa Monica Daily Press was released after Team Marine made their second appearance at the Santa Monica City Hall, and successfully banned plastic bags with the help of many Santa Monica activists, and friends.
__Daily Press__– After much media attention to the issue of plastic bags, the Daily Press acknowledges Team Marine’s involvment with the environment and the potential plastic bag ban in Santa Monica.
__Daily Press… AGAIN!__ – Once again, this is another article, celebrating the success of banning plastic bags. Team Marine was so proud of their success, and were so happy to have the honor of helping their city, and community out in the way they did. We saw this as such a great success, and it is an event we will never forget.
Media Attention
__Team Marine Video__ -Our Youtube production: Danny Going Green! Danny, initially a plastic bag lover, switches to reusable bags after seeing Team Marine’s involvement and the plastics damage in the ocean. Perfect for kids to adults!
__Whole Generation Earth Podcast__ -The Whole Food Coorporation contacted our team, and they came to Mr. Kay

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